The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Travel

November 30, 2022

The Ultimate Guide for Holiday Travel

With the holiday travelling season just around the corner and air travel back in full swing after two and a half years of strict pandemic regulations, you can begin resuming your yearly holiday travels. Celebrate Christmas and the new year with your loved ones once again. You might be out of practice when it comes to travelling during the holidays; we are here to help freshen your memory with tips that are sure to make your holiday travel plans an absolute breeze.

Look for good deals

Travelling via airplane can become quite expensive, especially if you forego looking for the absolute best deal. There are so many online services and apps that can facilitate your search for the most economical value. If you leave closer to the 25th of December, prices could already be relatively high. 

Avoid popular travel days 

Airports are usually quite busy but become crowded hotspots during the Christmas break, with many travellers trying to make their way across the country to celebrate the holidays with their families. Be smart when you plan to travel; try getting work off on a day that is usually not so busy with the usual holiday travel schedule—leaving the week before Christmas can save you a lot more trouble than going a day or two before the big day. 

Plan for extra travel time

December marks the beginning of winter, and we all know how unpredictable the weather can be during this time. Flight cancellations can come anytime, so be prepared to plan for extra time to accommodate the changing landscape. 

Pack wisely 

Since you’ll only be travelling for the holidays, there’s no real need to drag around a heavy bag. Simplify things by only carrying a conveniently sized carry-on bag with all your necessities. Also, tell yourself that you’ll stay with family; they are guaranteed to have everyday items like a hair dryer and personal hygiene products. 

Have a backup plan

If things go wrong and your flight is cancelled or overbooked, you will be better served by having a reliable backup plan. You can try driving to your destination if it’s only a couple of hours, or maybe take a bus or train. 

Don’t bring gifts on flights

While offering presents to your loved ones is tradition, we do not recommend bringing them with you on flights. All the time you take wrapping it, your efforts can quickly become undone by a security agent, who needs to unwrap it to verify its contents.

 Furthermore, if you store it in your checked bag, it can be lost should the airline misplace your luggage. Damage can also occur if airport employees mishandle your bag. You can also arrive a few days before Christmas and do your gift shopping then. 

Don’t wait to book

Knowing when you should book your holiday flight is crucial in guaranteeing you will have a seat on the plane. Be sure to schedule your travel before the very last minute. 

You might be out of luck and have to find another means to travel to your destination, such as by bus or train. While both modes of transportation are excellent, air travel provides the convenience of getting you to your destination much faster. 

Use a travel agent

If you feel overwhelmed with all this holiday travel planning, consider using a travel agency. They help you find the best deals and schedule your flight at the most optimal time. 

Let us help you plan your next flight!

CTI Business Travel, we specialize in making travelling easy and stress-free for our clients. If you need to plan your next holiday trip, give us a call at 801-224-5300 or contact us via email. Let’s make those holiday plans a reality!

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